Help Needed: Coffee Table Book Lovers needed to be interviewed

This is an announcement calling for people who has a small collection of coffee table books in their possession. I would like to interview them for MPH’s Quill Magazine and at the moment, I don’t have anyone that I know of who has a sizable collection of coffee table books.

What are coffee table books, I hear you ask? They are those incredibly expensive, hard-covered and heavy books filled with visually pleasing pictures, photos and illustrations with minimal text. These kind of books deal on various topics such as photography, biography, hobby, history, travel, interior design/architecture and sports.

Please respond if you do have a small collection of coffee table books. I would just like to spend a short time asking you a few questions, take a picture of your book collection and a photo of you. Or if you prefer, we can just correspond via e-mail, I email you the questions, you reply and also attach a picture of your book collection and a recent image of yourself. Please help ya!

If interested, please leave a response at the bottom of this post. Please get back to me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, latest by Saturday. Thanks and your help is much appreciated!

  1. Sora

    I’d love to help, but I cannot šŸ˜¦ as I have none. Of course, a pre-requisite for a coffee table book would be, well, a coffee table. šŸ˜‰

  2. as a bookaholic i have to confess i have some (and would buy more if i could afford them)

    if you can’t find anyone more interesting (and you should!!) you can ask me

  3. lil ms d

    i can ask my mum. she loves them.

  4. Hi there, can’t be of much use to you because I am in Sabah and my collection is back in KL – have at least 10 or so, probably more, all bought for small amounts when remaindered! (If I am going to buy a book at normal price, it had better have plenty of text to keep me occupied.)

    What I thought you might be interested in for your article is this: “coffee table” has nothing to do with a place to put down your coffee cup. When the Sri Lankan coffee industry was wiped out [by beetles ? fungi ?] they wanted to use the wood for something, but a coffee tree is little more than a bush, which means it couldn’t make a table with long legs. Up until that time, side tables were in fact tall! So they made short-legged tables – coffee(wood) tables. Or so I have heard.


  5. Liz

    I have a few coffee table books, mostly nature related. The main reason I don’t buy more is because it is so hard to stop them from getting spoilt by mould and fungus in this humid environment.

  6. greenbottle

    i have quite a few coffee table books…may be a hundred or so…mostly on art/paintings/pottery..and a few on wildlife…but sorry i don’t want to be interviewed but don’t mind answering questionaires via e-mails if this helps…

  7. I love coffee table books, and would gladly collect more if my pocket would allow for it! Most of them are on photography and travel. In fact, it would be great to publish my own coffee table book one day. (dreaming la…) So what do you consider a sizable collection?

  8. I have some, mostly on art, design, architecture… even programming. It takes huge restraint not to go up to Page One at Kino in case I blow away half my salary on a single book. Drop me an email.

  9. I have only a few but I do indeed love them. I’d have more if I weren’t a poor student.

  10. my ex-teacher has a pretty good collection of coffee tables, i’ve seen some myself. if you still need someone, maybe you can email me.

  11. nin

    like everyone else above, I have a modest collection, mostly art related. Happy to help if you still need people.

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